The Schaapenzicht Complex, as it now stands, was built in 1997 after the bringing together and consolidation of Erf. Nos 100-105 of the Langebaan Schaapenzicht Area. It is structured in two rows with 33 units that generally contain 3 to 4 Bedrooms. There is a central secured service road and an extensive grassed frontal area that leads out onto a board walk and the beach dunes. The complex holds a very central and key location on Langebaan's Main Beach with views onto the Lagoon and Schaapen Island. The complex locally and fondly known as "Smarty Town". The current Home Owners Association Constitution was established and adopted in April of 2009. In summary the objectives of the Association are to:
Promote and Protect members and common interests
Promote the application of beneficial standards of communal living
Apply aesthetic, environmental, architectural and design criteria
Manage and maintain the common property areas and services
To manage the financial health and good governance

Things You Need To Know
This section contains some of the Associations key documents. Other more detailed documents such as AGM Agenda and Minutes are available to Schaapenzicht Home Owners who can register as a member and then access the information by login onto the members pages of this site.

Schaapenzicht, Main Street, Langebaan 7357